I am often asked how I define Transcreation. Here is my answer, based on many years of working in this field:

"I apply transcreation to any copy that, due to the nature of its intended use, requires the expertise to assess, based on a client brief, how much of the source text can be taken to the target copy and how much needs to be rewritten, and in what ways.”

"GET FIT FOR THE FUTURE OF TRANSCREATION" my second full-length book on the topic of Transcreation, this time in English. Available on Amazon and as an ebook or PDF on  www.transcreationexperts.com.

Transcreation workshops, courses, webinars

Based on the success of my two books on Transcreation, one in German (www.bdue-fachverlag.de) and one in English (see link above), I am offering 1- to 2-day workshops, courses, presentations and webinars. For information on upcoming and current events, as well as information on my transcreation services and blog, see www.transcreationexperts.com

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